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I Feel So Weird!

from Too Much to Ask by Cheekface

00:00 / 02:36
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I’m at the Jamba Juice
I’m at the therapist
I’m at the combination Jamba Juice and therapist

Don’t shoot your shot
Hey, are you goth?
Yeah, Todd

Something familiar from every day starts to seem alien when you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it
The difference between me and a dog is, I’m taller
Think about it. Just, think about it.

Look mom! I’m trying! I fixed all my problems!
Why do I feel so weird?
It’s right under my nose, punching me in the face
Why do I feel so weird?
My brain is full of barking dogs
My guts are full of barking dogs
My heart is full of barking dogs
My soul is full of barking dogs
Look mom! I’m trying! I watered all the plants!
Why do I feel so weird?
Why do I feel so weird?

I already puked
I almost feel better
I am a slumpy plant and I need carbonated water
I could get so much done if I didn’t have to sleep any more
But then I would be tired

It’s hard to acknowledge something obvious when it’s really obvious
I’m feeling good, but I’m sure it will pass
It’s the 10 year anniversary of everything from 10 years ago
Think about it. Just, think about it.


from Too Much to Ask, released August 2, 2022


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Cheekface Los Angeles, California


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