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I Would Like To Say I Always Loved You

from The Town & The City by Skinny Dippers

00:00 / 03:08
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I'm in a moment in time where I'm afraid of what I might miss
I've got a way of looking backwards, but I'm starting to look up at this
It's a crash collision force that will send us on our course that's it
Can you feel it in your bones when they tell you you're not home with this
And I would like to say I always loved you
But I need an escape, I think I always knew
And it's been happening for a while, we're living in denial that's true
And I know this is the end, I wish we could stay friends I do

Now time's a funny thing to think of when I know we're running short on it
But as our days are flashing forward I can't help but sit and reminisce
As our time went on, those days were fun, I wouldn't wanna trade them in
But I'm thinking now, I'm missing out on other things that could've been

And I would like to say I always loved you
But I need an escape, I think I always knew
And its been happening for a while, we're living in denial that's true
And I know this is the end, I wish we could stay friends I do


from The Town & The City, released August 31, 2022


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Skinny Dippers New York

Skinny Dippers is a Brooklyn NY based Indie Music project fronted by singer/songwriter Ryan Gross. Drawing from his roots growing up on the coast of Maine, his style spans a broad range of genres by blending guitar driven indie rock arrangements with analog synthesizers and choral harmonies. ... more

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