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Into The Silence feat. DíSA

from Into The Silence by Trentemøller

00:00 / 04:06
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We´re feeding the flame
succumb to the wild
Fooling on our time

I swallow the lake,
dissolving your name.
Show me where you go

The pieces are falling

Im only looking through
what I thought was in you
but you are never there
So far in between us

Love.. fade and descend.
Someday I´ll give in

The land is the same
It's like you are in me
spinning off the edge

I'm only looking through
what I thought was in you
but you are never there
So far in between us

Your charm in the air,
That's all I can think of.
Just riding out the storm.

Come spiraling out..
It's not like I believe,
yet verything remains.

You stir up my dreams..
haunt me in my sleep


from Into The Silence, released September 2, 2022


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Trentemøller Copenhagen, Denmark

Anders Trentemøller´s talent for melodic moments and exceptional productions, fused with his trademark sound between indie and electronic, has established him as one of the most respected and admired artists and remixers. With ‘Fixion’ he crafted a logical successor to ‘Lost’ - a record that managed to truly capture the visceral live experience of Trentemøller as a full-band. ... more


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