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by Max Duggan

00:00 / 01:59


You were standing at the water
The light reflects off your brown hair
I'm lost in your beautiful grey eyes
Reflecting back at mine then

I just pray that someday I'll see you again
I still pray that someday I'll see you again

Walking home from your apartment
Edgewater's silence settles in
You were always home to me
Throughout everything

If in the end it didn't make sense
I still pray that someday I'll see you again
I still pray that someday I'll see you again


released August 5, 2022


all rights reserved



Max Duggan Chicago, Illinois

Hey! My name is Max Duggan.

I’m a songwriter/ film & video game composer from Chicago.

I write a lot of cozy indie game music, write with live string sections, and do indie orchestral singer-songwriter stuff!

My favorite description of my style has been:

“You sound like an indie rock band from Stardew Valley” - Bad Snacks :)
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