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Bruce Bacci

from Crypto Shock by Tucker Bingo

00:00 / 03:42
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Just a little jingle about the odd man out, in my case it was Bruce Bacci


Fire range, lookin for a melt down
nobody ginna be there, when you wanna play around
It's another let down, let down, let down
Everybody get down, get down, get down

So here's lookin at you kid,
heres lookin at the new kid

you sat sideways, on trans am engine bay
you let the locks go, could never see your face
always had your head down, head down, always had ur head down
said your headin outta town, outta town ... said your head outta town, outta town

here's lookin at you kid,
heres lookin at the new kid


here's lookin at you kid,
heres lookin at the new kid


from Crypto Shock, track released August 18, 2022
Music and lyrics by Tucker Bingo Project


all rights reserved



Tucker Bingo Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Player of guitars, synths, piano and percussionist

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