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by Half/Time

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This waiata is dedicated to my tūpuna who stood against colonial forces at the battle of Ōrākau in 1864. 300 Māori of various central North Island iwi against over 1400 British troops. I am named after one of the sons of Te Huia Raureti, a kairākau (warrior) who helped lead survivors of the conflict away from the battleground via the Puniu River, pursued by Von Tempsky and his Forest Rangers.

Ka whawhai tonu mātou ake, ake, ake (we will fight on forever and ever and ever). These words were addressed to the opposing force before the battle, by Te Huia Raureti's uncle, Rewi Maniapoto.


The photo shared here was taken by James Cowan in 1914, on the 50th anniversary of the battle of Ōrākau. These were a few of the surviving warriors of the battle, from left to right they are Te Wairoa Piripi, Hekiera te Rangai, Huihi Pou-Patate, Te Huia Raureti, Mahu Te Mona, te Wharerangi Parekawa.




Whakamaumaharatia, ō tatou tupuna
Whakarongo, ki ā rātou tangi

Ka whawhai tonu mātou ake
Ka whawhai tonu mātou ake, ake, ake

Whakamaumaharatia, ō tatou tupuna
Tirohia, ā rātou tohu
Kōrerotia, ō rātou ingoa
Whakarongo, ki ā rātou tangi

Ka whawhai tonu mātou ake
Ka whawhai tonu mātou ake, ake, ake

Ngā kairākau ō Ōrākau


released August 13, 2022
Guitar, vocals, bass and drum machine: Wairehu Grant
Lyrics/kupu Māori: Wairehu Grant and Cee


all rights reserved



Half/Time Hamilton, New Zealand

Half/Time began as a te ao Māori centred post-punk solo project during the cosmic hellscape
that was 2020. In early 2023 it evolved into a three-piece band featuring Wairehu Grant (Ngāti Maniapoto) on guitar, Ciara Bernstein on drums and Cee (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa) on bass. ... more

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