supported by 58 fans who also own “Black Wings Over Transylvania”
The fantasy aspects of the music appeal to me a lot, and the 70’s classic-rock vibe—the Hammond organ & guitars. Especially that early-Heep sound. To be honest, though, I’m not a fan of the vocals. This album doesn’t captivate me like those of the early masters of this sound did. I find them subdued. Nevertheless, though, 👍. I listened to ‘Glimpse of the Dawn’ first, 👍👍, & its on my short list of next purchases, but I went for the deal. I sit on a poor man’s throne. Rock on, Tarot! Alrihkh
supported by 54 fans who also own “Black Wings Over Transylvania”
This is the best record I've heard in a good spell. I can't stop listening to it. My only regret is that I didn't discover it sooner, so that I might have more time to love this album. tha_triznit
supported by 38 fans who also own “Black Wings Over Transylvania”
Let me utter a different sort of blasphemy: this album is even better than its influences. If you had no desire to cleanse the Earth and grind fools into the dust, you'll easily contract it here. More than fun cartoony villainy, the passion this band shows really conjures up some visions. sharknoise