Just the kind of gentle soundtrack I need when I am doing simple repetitive manual tasks. Impossible to decide on a favourite track because they are all wonderful. Jeremy Cherfas
Bustin' Loose deliver four glimmering nu-disco bangers infused with funk, gospel, and soul, inspired by their travels across East Asia. Bandcamp... New & Notable Aug 25, 2021
Taking their name from the Amharic word for griot, this collective marries Ethio-groove, dub, psych-funk and Eastern influenced sounds. Bandca...mp New & Notable Jan 22, 2021
Adventurous hybrid jazz at its best. I struggle to describe why this stands out above a crowd, but... It all sounds so precise. Every instrument fills its own space so that, as busy as it gets, it never feels crowded. It breathes easy while full of energy. In case I'm not making sense, this, in short, is brilliant. Added bonus that the vocal track doesn't stand out negatively as those too often do on otherwise instrumental albums. Heavy rotation, and the best jazz-related album of 2022. rvss.eel