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Gemini Jazz A "Earth Dance"

from Gemini Jazz EP by Ron Trent

00:00 / 10:51


Side A of the second installment from the Gemini Jazz series. Arrangement and performance of instruments engaged by Ron Trent.
Personal spiritual jazz experiment.
Featuring: Quese IMC on Native drums and vocals at the vamp. A tribute to Mother Earth. Played most recently on Ron Trent's Boiler Room set.


from Gemini Jazz EP, released June 1, 2020
Ron Trent Vocals, Keys, and Percussion.
Ques: Native Drums and Vocals
Recorded in Chicago and Oklahoma City


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musicandpower Chicago, Illinois

The continuous rotation of color and sonics. MUSICANDPOWER is the portal for the works of Ron Trent and his camp of powerful influencers and influences.

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