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by Quiet Tongues

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Grabbing your attention from the off with a deep exhale into shimmering guitars and an undeniable head banging bop, Quiet Tongues’ first single Ennui tackles a state of mind that can feel impossible to escape from. Recorded with Andy Nichol at Pistachio Palace the song keeps building and adding wonderful, gritty textures to make for an exciting debut release that includes flavours of Kasabian, Talking Heads, Nine Inch Nails and FOALS.

STORY TIME - Seth (Singer & Guitarist) was introduced to the word and its meaning after having been to the pub with a friend to watch his beloved football team play on the telly. Within about 10 minutes of that game, they were 3-0 down. He asked his friend how he felt about the whole thing. He shrugged and said: “Ennui”. After having the term explained to him, he couldn’t get over the fact that there was one word to describe such a complex emotion.

The song became about using Ennui as a risky kind of coping mechanism. When something or someone is constantly dragging you down, the only way to cope is to care less and less until you don’t care at all. This state of being then feels like an accessory to your person and a necessity in everyday life. Taken from French, Ennui in its essence becomes boredom, which in a world of constant distraction, we’ve all developed a huge fear of. We all want to be interesting. Nobody wants to see the lights in someone’s eyes fade away during conversation! There’s an underlying sense of urgency in this track that I think sums up the desperation to find something to care deeply about. An energetic sadness that captures the frustration in being unable to escape that feeling of Ennui once it’s taken hold.


Ever seen the lights in someone’s eyes?
Fading away,
Fading away?

Glimmer and a spark that’s hard to describe
But we chase every day,
Chase every day

It’s dull to talk about it,
Don’t hang your head around it,
Around it.

Je Suis Ennui
My Accessory
Je Suis Ennui
My Necessity

Dreaming of a night come back to life,
Getting away,
Getting away.

Faint shimmer bright flash what a nice surprise
Are you losing your way?
Are you losing your way?

Nothing to think about dear
Blanked out no I don’t wanna be here,
Be here.

Je Suis Ennui
My Accessory
Je Suis Ennui
My Necessity


released June 17, 2022
WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY: Quiet Tongues – Seth Tonkin (guitar and lead vocals), Jack Ewins (guitar and backing vocals), Daniel Nunan (bass and backing vocals), Domokos Wootsch (drums, and backing vocals).

LYRICS: Seth Tonkin

PRODUCED BY: Andy Nichol

MIXED BY: Andy Nichol & Drew Mills

RECORDED AT: Pistachio Palace Recording Studio, Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK

MASTERED BY: Jon Astley at Close to the Edge Mastering, Twickenham, Middlesex, UK


ARTWORK EDITED BY: Domokos Wootsch


all rights reserved



Quiet Tongues London, UK

With fierce, intricate rhythms, mosaic and dazzling guitars, bittersweet abstract lyricism and an influence ranging from Queens of The Stone Age, FOALS and Tame Impala all the way to Massive Attack and Talking Heads, Quiet Tongues come with a unique approach to Alt Rock that stirs the primal in us all. ... more

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