We're playing live on KEXP on April 5th at 3pm PST! To celebrate, you can score our latest album, "Delicate Creatures," AND the one before it, "Dinner Dates for the End of Days," both on special edition color vinyl. One see through, one not. Both EXCELLENT! For a limited time only.
Includes unlimited streaming of Delicate Creatures
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
ships out within 1 day
edition of 100
Purchasable with gift card
$30USDor more
Record/Vinyl + Digital Album
We're playing live on KEXP on April 5th at 3pm PST! To celebrate, you can score our latest album, "Delicate Creatures," AND the one before it, "Dinner Dates for the End of Days," both on Black Vinyl. None more black. Both EXCELLENT! For a limited time only.
Includes unlimited streaming of Delicate Creatures
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
ships out within 1 day
edition of 100
Purchasable with gift card
$25USDor more
Record/Vinyl + Digital Album
A color variant just as sweet as you are. Once they're gone, they're gone!
Includes unlimited streaming of Delicate Creatures
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
ships out within 1 day
edition of 200
Purchasable with gift card
$22.99USDor more
Record/Vinyl + Digital Album
Color vinyl not your thing? You're in luck and the proud owner of a 1 of 100 first edition black LP.
Includes unlimited streaming of Delicate Creatures
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
ships out within 1 day
edition of 100
Purchasable with gift card
$19.99USDor more
Streaming + Download
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
I’ve surrounded myself
With elegance
Broke the bank
Just trying to blend in
But every time I try
And speak their language
I just come across
As a little kid
I’m knocking on the door
Of a future
That won’t let us in
Cuz every hand shake
In this city will cost ya
And arm and a leg
And I’m all out of limbs
I’ve been surrounded
By elegance
Let the vultures
Tie knock offs around my neck
They claim they’re going
To lift you up
As they circle high above your head
But they’re really just waiting
To pick apart the dead
I’m knocking on the door
Of a future
That won’t let us in
Cuz every hand shake
In this city will cost ya
And arm and a leg
And I’m all out of limbs
I’m just trying to make something real
Cuz I am so sick of feeling
Just like I’m only
Dead batteries
Empty calories
Just a handful
Of useless things
Like a prayer for the president
Or a letter to your congressman
Just a quarter in a broken machine
supported by 13 fans who also own “Dead Batteries”
I'd never heard of these guys before I saw them open for The Decemberists in Atlanta this past weekend, but I was hooked from those first driving notes of "Making Noise..." and by the time they were three songs in, I weirdly had one foot in 1993 again with the other squarely here in 2024. This album is everything you want it to be, with some bonuses. Hard to pick an actual favorite track, but "The Window" does make me choke up a little bit, and "It's Alive!" is a consistent earworm. James Grant
supported by 11 fans who also own “Dead Batteries”
I saw Cheekface live last night and it’s my favourite concert I have ever been to! Greg, if you read this: my vinyl copy of Emphatically No. is my favourite possession because of how you personalized it! 💖 You were the first person to call me by that name out loud. I don’t have enough characters to explain all the ways Cheekface has made my life better. I’ll just say that Life in a Bag became meaningful to me recently in a very surprising and wonderful way. Serendipity