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Not Going Out

from No Room For A Sequel by Hai Chairs

00:00 / 02:34
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I don't want to go out with you and your friends
Or even with any of mine
Everyone that I know may be there
I hope that they have a good time
Don't feel like the pub or a gig or a club
No matter how nearby they are
House parties aren't fun cos there's always someone
Playing on an acoustic guitar

No, I don't want to go out
I just want to stay home
I don't want to go out tonight
I just want to stay home

The weather or season don't give me a reason
To consider going outside
I'd rather stay home, drink some beers on my own
While you carry on with your lives
I'm not going out while it's daylight outside
And I'm staying indoors while it's dark
I don't care if you tell me you've found Elvis Presley
And he's dancing for chips in the park

No, I don't want to go out
I just want to stay home
I don't want to go out tonight
I just want to stay home

No, I don't want to go out
I just want to stay home
I don't want to go out tonight
I just want to stay home
I just want to stay home
I just want to stay home
I just want to stay home


from No Room For A Sequel, released May 28, 2022


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Hai Chairs London, UK

Hai Chairs are a 2-piece UK indie band from the London/Kent borders. Sticking to a fully home-made ethos they specialise largely in simple songs brought to life by gentle layering, with lyrics expanding on the emotions arising from a given moment in time. Musically downbeat, lyrically vulnerable but ultimately hopeful, Eddie and Gary have been making music together since their school days. ... more

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