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The Elephant's Funeral

from HOME by Sushma Soma

00:00 / 06:04
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The song was motivated by the death of a pregnant elephant in Kerala, India, after she fed on a pineapple stuffed with explosives in it. She was a victim to the longstanding human vs wildlife habitat conflict that's been happening in various parts of the world now. Affected by her death on a very personal level, I wanted to express my utter devastation and disappointment in my fellow humans. 

In Tamil Nadu, whenever someone passes away, there's a specific tradition with percussion that takes place during the funeral procession. And it's always intrigued me because the rhythm sounds celebratory to my ears and on the other hand, there is mourning and crying. This juxtaposition of mourning with celebration was what I wanted to explore in this track. My mourning of the death of the elephant and her calf, with what I believe is the celebration of Man at the cost of her life. 


from HOME, released April 8, 2022


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Sushma Soma Singapore

Sushma Soma is a Carnatic Vocalist based in Singapore and India. She most recently won the Young Artist Award in 2020 - the highest recognition given to young arts practitioners in Singapore.

She's passionate about raising awareness about environment and sustainability and her album, titled Home, will marry her Carnatic sensibilities with her drive to raise awareness for the environment.
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