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Bringing the Bad Word

from Stonewater Music EP by Zeno Jones

00:00 / 01:41


Hey everybody my name is Zeno Jones
I'm here to bring you the bad word
I learned this word from a bad, bad man
He was living and singing over 100 years ago
They tried to kill this man
They tried to slit his throat
They tried to poison him
Tried to put him six feet underground
Yeah but he aint dead
He lives underneath my bed
His name is Charley Patton

I'm here to bring you deliverance
I'm here to bring you the bad word
Oh lord, let's go to church


from Stonewater Music EP, released May 17, 2022


all rights reserved



Zeno Jones Louisville, Kentucky

Rodney B. rocks his own socks off, going through drum heads & sticks like a wood chipper. Zeno Jones drowns in the deep blues, bending everything he can get his hands on like it’s the truth. As Cold Beverage they play rock & ****ing roll. Not afraid of voice cracks, breakdowns, and other beauty marks, Cold Beverage lays down heavy blues & rock riffs the only way they know, totally out of control. ... more

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