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Balloons in the Arcade

by Kayla Painter

00:00 / 03:43
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Ahead of my first UK Headline tour, Balloons in the Arcade welcomes the spring, with uplifting synths and positive motifs.

The track is inspired by long summer days, holidays in english seaside
towns, arcades where you’d take a carrier bag of 2 pennies and spend hours on the machines..

I wanted this track to capture the innocence of those seaside summers, I wanted to play with an uplifting synth sound that called back to the late 90s early 00s. In a time where we’re always online and we’ve struggled an immense amount globally, I wanted to create something that was positive and simple and encouraged excitement. Although this release looks back to a simpler time it actually celebrates a feeling and a moment we can all still have.


released April 6, 2022


all rights reserved



Kayla Painter Bristol, UK

“Fragmented beats, heading towards uncharted musical territories” - Crack Magazine

Clipper video:

Connections to Sound extra.resonance.fm/series/connections-to-sound#:~:text=Connections%20to%20Sound%20journeys%20through,Presented%20by%20Kayla%20Painter.
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