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Cold Beverage (Stonewater) Blues

from Stonewater Music EP by Zeno Jones

00:00 / 02:36


Got these cold beverage blues, can't leave your side
I'm [chained] down on the front porch, you swimming the riverside

I got two types of whiskey and a suitcase full of stone
The other one is full of stone, you can't hold that on your one

Babe won't you come live under my bed for a while
Mr. Patton is already under there, you can hear him sing for 40 miles

There's a man on your street selling trouble and shine
If you don't buy nothing from him he ain't never gonna hop that midnight line


from Stonewater Music EP, released May 17, 2022
Music by Rodney B and Zeno Jones


all rights reserved



Zeno Jones Louisville, Kentucky

Rodney B. rocks his own socks off, going through drum heads & sticks like a wood chipper. Zeno Jones drowns in the deep blues, bending everything he can get his hands on like it’s the truth. As Cold Beverage they play rock & ****ing roll. Not afraid of voice cracks, breakdowns, and other beauty marks, Cold Beverage lays down heavy blues & rock riffs the only way they know, totally out of control. ... more

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