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Ellington Bridge

by Timothy Bailey & The Humans

00:00 / 04:54
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From the forthcoming self-titled debut by Timothy Bailey & the Humans


Ellington Bridge

Under the Ellington bridge
on the parkway near the stables
it’s teeming with new green life
and bluebells.

The creek makes a white noise
it’s all that breaks the silence.
The deer with their headlight eyes
disappear in the woods.

An invisible spider’s weaving
a mercury web.

Nobody’s out and about.
They close these roads on Sunday.

Up on the bridge
there’s an empty bottle and a picture ID

a waiter’s wine key still in the cork
of a Château Lafite.

You can go into orbit
if you fall forward
with enough speed.

Maybe we’ll never land.
Maybe we’ll rise beyond this night.

Up on the bridge
there’s an empty bottle and a picture ID

a waiter’s wine key still in the cork
of a château lafite.


released May 2, 2022
Timothy Bailey / Vocals
Doyle Hull / Bass
Ben Nicastro / Guitar
Melissa Sunderland-Jones / Violin & Viola
Go Weatherford / Drums & Percussion

Produced by Chad Clark, Bob Massey, and Timothy Bailey

Mixed by Chad Clark

Recorded at Spacebomb Studios / Richmond, Virginia

Engineered by Curtis Fye
Mastered by Bob Weston at Chicago Mastering Service

Additional Musicians:

Mike Boyd / Vibraphone
Amanda Burton / French Horn
Joshua Camp / Keyboards
Chris Chorney / Cello, Backing Vocals (Perfect Letdown)
Liza Kate / Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals on Weird Animal (Reprise)
Erin Lunsford / Backing Vocals
Bob Miller / Trumpet & Flugelhorn
Lauren Serpa / Flute
Curt Sydnor / Piano (Yours Truly, Ellington Bridge) and Electric Piano (Perfect Letdown)

All songs and arrangements by Timothy Bailey

Senta Achee / Cover image
Henry Haggard / Production assistant
PJ Sykes / Special advisor


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rock Richmond


Timothy Bailey & The Humans Richmond, Virginia

Where darkness seeks light

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