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Ever get the feeling you’ve been climbing
Uphill both ways for little to no praise?
Every day makes every night mess everything up?
Nothing ever serves as the right thing to bring up?
Four dimensional chess of intention
Without a gameplan or a clear definition
Even when defending Sicilian you’re still the
Villainous energy supposedly milling about
Like a human daily dosage of doubt
Crooked lines and we can’t straighten it out
Now way to angle yourself out the tangle
Taking the position of an antagonist acting like
They will strangle your love just for kicks
Sociopaths addicted to a quick fix that’ll
Upset the natural mix every chance they can get
Though it’s something that they’ll never admit
If it doesn’t sit well then you’re well balanced
Mark awareness as one of your unique talents
In this needless challenge
Where pretenders serve as contenders
In a game that is absent of winners
How do you avenge when there isn’t an endgame?
Novelize the novelty under a penname
Fueled by the fumes of last night
Poetic prisons all lit by gaslight
Victims of verbal gravity will avidly agree
That the ups and downs are unneeded
Negativity is deep-rooted when it’s been deep-seated
Feed it and things will get heated as
Sense of self-worth is swiftly depleted
Starting most days as if you’ve been defeated
Feeling like an imprint on a glass ceiling
Stealing away before things get revealing and you’re
Dealing with the peeling away of the layers
That you use to protect yourself from purveyors of
Injust trust who will feel gratified by the
Imminent rush like they’re high on dust
See how it sounds? A little un-rational
Here’s a ballad for the incompatible
Channeling their passive aggression like a weapon
Giving one another pain that you can’t deaden
Let it happen and get used to cappin’
Better strap in from the moment they tap in

Maybe you’re the crazy one
Look at how you come undone under pressure
Unfortunate son
Step into another world without notice
Keeping the reality coated in a motive
Unchecked with intent to vex like a hex
Seems isolated but everything connects
Off and on but for now it’s on once again
Time to pretend the thin line
Between love and hate is all but eliminated
Even divination leaves you unvindicated like you
Anticipated based on the antiquated manner
In which your data set was created
Waiting on a weighted opinion to bend them
A little bit closer to breaking what was once forsaken
Total erasure
This is the result of a full-grown debaser
With a detonator and a lightning reflex
To falsify truth no matter the pretext



from Flux Populi, released May 6, 2022
produced by Th’Mole
written by Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice


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Fake Four Inc. New Haven, Connecticut

Fake Four Inc. is a record label based in New Haven, CT that specializes in experimental hip hop, indie pop and anything else we like.


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