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I'm sure we're all puzzled by the amount of single shoes abandoned along the country's many miles of A-Roads. I started to write a song pondering the phenomena, but then decided just to write a list of some of the other detritus regularly seen on the verges and central reservations of our major road networks. How many have you spotted on your travels?


A single shoe in the central reservation.
On the hard shoulder dead badger,
two magpies pecking at its eyes.
In the fast lane, the remains of what once could've been a fox.
A bag of hard cement,
jetsam from an unstable flatbed.
spraypaint graffiti tag repeated fifty times
another single shoe in the central reservation

Another single shoe in the central reservation
a small pile of scaffold clamps, partially hidden in the verge
A line of paint from a punctured tin, proceeds for nigh two miles
Another single shoe in the central reservation
A Pringle tube in the central reservation
A trail of road cones apparently abandoned
A shredded tyre of an HGV
A faded floral tribute marks the site of a fatality
A rubber-neckers siren call
Another single shoe in the central reservation
yet another single shoe in the central reservation


from The I-Spy Book of British A-Roads and other songs., released March 27, 2022
Mixed and mastered by Andy Matthews


all rights reserved



All Those Ghastly Cavities Christchurch, UK

We are two blokes a guitar (Spen), a bass (Steve), a loop pedal and a big muff pi with occasional Casio. Founded 2018. We played The Blyth Power Ashes in 2019 and were booked to play Rebellion 2020 and The Ashes. We've had songs played on The Shend's (The Cravats) Spinning Man Show. We have also played Nicki's 50th birthday and Baz 'n' Shaz's wedding do. We have recorded on 2x FD4 4-tracks. ... more

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