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A Comforting Release

from Ocean View EP by Klangstof

00:00 / 04:47
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We wanted to end the EP with a bang. See if we could combine alle the vibes we picked up on this ep into one closing piece. As production nerds, we love to add lots of interesting textures to our tracks. "Growing up I always got very emotional by those songs that started very gently, and ended with a huge wall of sound. Those tracks that bring out the whole emotional spectrum in 5 minutes like a short movie that plays in your head. The lyrics are very special to me. I have always struggled with opening up to people, afraid that I will fall apart when it’s out there. But during the pandemic I’ve realised how to confront some of those demons by just talking about it. I’m done with finding comfort in being someone that I’m not and this song expresses that journey so far.


mind the false hopes
still not sure how i lost it all
march on to unknowns
solitude is my only home

how long should i keep it silent
i found comfort in losing touch
cold hearts never break as violent
despite of you trying
everything gets lost in anger
i’m prepared to let you suffer

it’s unfair to stay calm
through their eyes i saw everything, pitch black
march on to unknowns
solitude is my only hope

how long should i keep it silent
i found comfort in losing touch
cold hearts never break as violent
despite of you trying
everything gets lost in anger
i’m prepared to let you suffer

how long should i keep it silent
i found comfort in losing touch
cold hearts never break as violent
despite of you trying
everything gets lost in anger
i’m prepared to let you suffer

you brought me to my knees
a comforting release


from Ocean View EP, track released March 4, 2022
Erik Buschmann: Drums
Wannes Salomé: Synths, Piano, Guitars
Koen van der Wardt: Vocals, Bass, Guitars
Wouter van Nienes: Guitars

Mixed and Additional Programming by Sam Petts-Davies


all rights reserved



Klangstof Amsterdam, Netherlands

In the aftermath of recording their (still officially unannounced) third album, Amsterdam alternative formation Klangstof (Koen van de Wardt, Wannes Salomé, and Erik Buschmann) weathered an inspiring but emotionally-taxing storm, recording their most open-hearted, sonically ambitious material yet. This became Ocean View a four-song release that offers a candid glimpse of the band’s wavelength. ... more

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