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Decades & Dreams

by Bathe Alone

00:00 / 03:28
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Decades & Dreams lyrically is about the time I essentially kidnapped my best friend and drove her 7 hours away to her first Beach House concert. True story.

Bathe Alone’s first single, “Decade & Dreams”, offers you just a taste of what’s to come on the sophomore album Fall With The Lights Down (via The Record Machine). Led by Bailey Crone, the song pairs dream-pop sounds with a moody arrangement and hefty layers of familiar ambience. “Decades & Dreams'' celebrates friendship and fearlessly looks toward the future. Complete with propulsive new-wave a-la reverb chamber energy, Crone toasts “to memories and dreams / to our decades and dreams.”

The single artwork and music video for "Decades & Dreams" were inspired by old photos of both of her great-grandmothers on a boating trip together, "where they looked completely miserable," says Crone. The video shows Bailey and her best friend — and inspiration behind the actual song — made up in full grandma finery, complete with chunky orange life vests and curly gray hair. The two share a toast to nostalgia and relive youthful adventures in the bittersweet visual.


Holding on to yesterday
And the colors of everything we see
Traveled far to get to say
That we swayed to memories and dreams

Patience never seems to wait
On those who need it so they’re late to be
In the moment hear them say
“One day we’ll sway to our decades and dreams”

It’s a long way back
Another drive after this
And we will take the long way home
To reminisce

To our decades and dreams
To memories and dreams
To our decades and dreams


released April 4, 2022
Written by Bailey Crone (BMI) and Damon Moon (BMI)
All instruments performed by Bailey Crone and Damon Moon
Produced and Engineered by Damon Moon
Assistant Engineer - Tim Holder
Mastered by Joe Lambert

Music video by Nic Huey
Featuring Bailey Crone, Jasmine Andre-Brown, and Kalib Crone

Label - The Record Machine


all rights reserved



Bathe Alone Atlanta, Georgia

Bathe Alone is the dreampop solo project of multi-instrumentalist Bailey Crone based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Bailey plays everything from drums, guitar, bass to vocals on the project and aims to create songs you can "lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling to." ... more

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