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Christmas at the Casino at the Mall (War is Over!)

by Laika, The Astro-Hound

00:00 / 03:31
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Sad Christmas song for the modern person


Merry Christmas one and all,
New casino at the Mall.
I think we should go right now
I got a feeling that somehow,
this hundred bucks in my pocket
is gonna buy you a diamond locket,
and a puppy for the little one too.
That's what I'm gonna do.

And when I come back home tonight
we will be headin' out of site
of our debtors, and our dues;
just me and you
(and the puppy for the little one too.)

Merry Christmas everyone,
boy, this sure is fun!
A couple hundred bucks up on craps
and then I fold and collapse.

Just another sad suburban Christmas.
Just another cold day in Capitalist hell.
And all I can say is "well, oh well,
better luck next time."

There's where Frosty lost his hat
There's where Rudolph lost his glow
They are sittin' at the food court
Crying "What are we gonna do?"

Another sad suburban Christmas
Just another cold day in Capitalist hell
And all I can say is "well oh well,
better luck next time."


released December 20, 2021
vocals, synths, beats. production, mastering - Sean T. Jackson


all rights reserved



Laika, The Astro-Hound Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Laika the Astro-Hound is the project of Sean T. Jackson. Jackson's songs are meant to reflect several emotions: fear, grief, anxiety, vulnerability, and the determination to accept or overcome them, because we could all be gone tomorrow.

Sean is a happily married near 34 year old man who is grateful for every day.
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