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Eating Honey With One Finger

from Restless by Mass Marriage

00:00 / 05:45
  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    After a series of highly regarded tapes releases New Forces is proud to unleash the much-anticipated debut full-length CD "Restless" by Mass Marriage. Across these five tracks Vancouver-based artist Melissa Paget offers the pinnacle of Mass Marriage's unique vision: suffocating heavy electronics, abrasive noise, and harrowing vocals that conjure up a dense, intimate atmosphere. There is no stagnation here, only an artist pushing the sound, aesthetics, and traditions of industrial music forward into new territory. Melissa's original artwork adorns the layout, adding additional layers to the thematic explorations found on "Restless." A powerful statement and a landmark release for New Forces. Mastered by Grant Richardson.

    *please note that items are more expensive on Bandcamp to account for the higher fees. Physical items can be obtained for a cheaper price on the New Forces bigcartel store, where you can also find a selection of distributed titles not available on Bandcamp.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Restless via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $12 USD or more 



from Restless, released November 15, 2021


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New Forces Brattleboro, Vermont

New Forces. Ordering info at newforcesnoise.blogspot.com

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