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I A M (Interlude)

from It's A Mixtape by Denise Chaila

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I am beautiful. And that is the least interesting thing about me.
I like myself! I LIKE myself! I LIKE MYSELF!
I am in charge of my own body.
I know the difference between respect and authority.
Giving you respect doesn’t mean I have to do what you say.
I am allowed to be angry. I am allowed to be angry.
I am not ashamed of passion.
My anger shows me what I need to protect.
My dreams are important.
My dreams are important. Dreaming is not a waste of time.
I have permission to be confident.
I am not perfect, and I have permission to like who I am right now.
I am pro black before I am anti anything.
I will never let anyone shut me up because they are uncomfortable the truth.
I will not be insecure because you are not comfortable with my confidence.
My vulnerability is a privilege. My sensitivity is beautiful. All of my heart is worthy.
Nobody else has the right to tell my story


from It's A Mixtape, released November 25, 2021
Written by: Denise Chaila
Produced by: MuRli
Bass by: Danny Lanham
Vocals by: Sharon Bolanta, Jade Brinkley, Tyrone Webster Reid, Samantha Olabi, Panashe Chindavata, Tanyaradzwa Wayah
Mixing Engineer: Ian Ring (Boku)
Mastering Engineer: Ian Ring


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Denise Chaila

In her breakthrough track Copper Bullet, Denise Chaila succinctly described the thriving hip-hop scene in Ireland.

The fact that Chaila was able to convey the sentiment of a nation in one perfect line displays both the depth and skill of the Irish MC.

It perhaps partially explains why, following the release of her debut EP Denise has become one of the most in-demand MCs in Ireland and beyond.
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