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from Méandres by Thot

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Power Metal God
Power Metal God thumbnail
Power Metal God Outstanding vocals (in french!), distinctive avant/prog songwriting, the choir, the powerchords ending, this song is just too full of “wow!”-effect. Thot is on such a level of harmony that it becomes physical. I hope it will be released on vinyl! Looking forward for full EP!
Alberto Gustaffson
Alberto Gustaffson thumbnail
Alberto Gustaffson Good to see a band that knows what it's doing. While being certain about their inspiration, Euphrate is able to create an intriguing, wholesome song, that's interesting to follow and makes you eager to hear the upcoming album
Riffmaster General
Riffmaster General thumbnail
Riffmaster General holy shit this choir part sounds freaking EPIC! Got intrigued after watching this teaser and now this song just hooked me. Looking forward to hear full ep now!
Сats and Metal Media
Сats and Metal Media thumbnail
Сats and Metal Media Like all the best things in life, Thot happened to me accidentally. Wandering through Bandcamp I was looking for something more shapeless and confident - and I found it. The bulldozing keyboards in the intro of the song quickly set me up for some Skinny Puppy and overall synthetic feel, but Euphrate spreads on far more vast territories. Combining the sounds of absolutely different worlds, on the newest release. Thot is primed to start the genesis of something truly new
00:00 / 04:27
  • Streaming + Download

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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Super classy digipack CD containing the songs Euphrate, Bateleur, Sleep Oddity, as well demo/acoustic versions.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Méandres via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/88.2kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 50 
    Purchasable with gift card

      €8 EUR or more 


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Limited to 50 copies - includes the digipack CD edition, the new THOT die struck pin and and holographic "Méandres" sticker.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Méandres via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/88.2kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 50 
    Purchasable with gift card

      €19 EUR or more 



Mon temps est une plainte qui
Se faufile parmis les doutes
Je sonde ces notes envers et contre moi
Ce rythme est une fuite qui
M’emmène au loin la-bas
Je me languis d’échos de mes premiers pas
La pudeur
M’a fait peur

La pudeur cette connerie
Ces âmes qui ne l’ont pas
Elles bottent le cul d’une armée de cinglés
Oui c’est bien loin de toi
Ce courage qui nous résiste
Noyés dans tes putains de larmes lamentables

Nothing’s gonna refrain me
Nothing’s gonna refrain me

Tant de choses me retiennent
Des racines aériennes
Toutes ces notes ont-elles une chance de me secouer
Je me tourne vers le ciel
Profane tes souvenirs
Je crache ma colère sur tes lois erronées

Mon temps est une plainte qui
Se faufile parmis les doutes
Sonder chaque notes envers et contre moi
Ce rythme est une fuite qui
Rien ne nous arrêtera

Nothing’s gonna refrain me
I'm fighting for your soul


from Méandres, released March 11, 2022
Music & lyrics written by Grégoire Fray
Guitars, keyboards, programmation & lead vocals performed by Grégoire Fray
Other lead vocals by Juliette Mauduit
Drums arranged and performed by Gil Chevigné
Percussions performed by Michael Thiel
Bass guitars performed by Stéphane Fedele
Choir arrangement written by Juliette Mauduit & Boriana Todorova, and performed by Gergana Dimitrova, Violeta Marinova, Sofia Yaneva, Mirela Asenova, Daniela Stoichkova & Elichka Krastanova (singers of The Mystery of The Bulgarian Voices)
Engineered and mixed by Thibault Dupont at Gam Studios (Waimes, Be), Dada Studios (Brussels, be) & Renewsound (Sofia, Bg)
Recording assistance by Jules Lechien.
Mastered by Olivier Huillet at Dada Studio (Brussels, Be)
Artwork by Grégoire Fray & Michael Thiel.
Thank you to Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles & Sabam for Culture


all rights reserved



Thot Brussel

A band existing in constant flux, THOT thrive in the tumultuous melting pot of modern life and ‘Delta’, their first long form release since 2017’s breathtaking ‘FLEUVE’, is an even more ambitious musical melting pot of the people, places, spaces and times that have helped define the band to date. ... more


  • May 24
    London, UK

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