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by rosi

00:00 / 03:26
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We must have lost our way
in all the lashing rain
and weeping window frames⁣

And your eyes are harboring
things I can’t understand
cause you won’t tell me where you’ve been⁣

How did we get here?
How did we get here?
How did we get here⁣?

Down every dark and twisting road
We’re frightened rabbits down a hole
Deep in the chambers of my soul, I know,
That we’re so far away from home⁣

We’re almost strangers now
Don’t recognize the sound
Of my name hanging from your mouth⁣

And your hands are harboring
Things I can’t understand
Cause you won’t tell me where they’ve been⁣

How did we get here?
How did we get here?
How did we get here⁣?

Down every dark and twisting road
The bottom’s struggling to hold
Deep in the chambers of my soul, I know,
That we’re so far away from home


released November 22, 2021
Here written and performed by rosi (row-see)

Produced by Chris Petrosino
Addl Programming by Sam Petts-Davies
Modular Synths by Steven Rogers
Mixed by Sam Petts-Davies and Chris Petrosino
Mastered by Mandy Parnell

Design by Joni Mathews


all rights reserved



rosi New York, New York

rosi (row-see)
a two person project

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