Limited edition softcover chapbook companion to "The Blades." 34 pages. Poems, drawings, etc. Also includes the first preview of "The Isolatarium Pt. II" - the continuation/culmination of the original novella from 2013.
Includes unlimited streaming of The Blades
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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This album makes you feel like a better world is possible and somewhat close at hand. It isn't, clearly, we're stuck in dystopia, but it's so beautiful to dream. Blanca G.
Like a soundtrack to the world’s trippiest video game, the neon-like tones on the latest from Heaven Topology conjure whole new worlds. New & Notable Aug 15, 2022
Designed for a gallery set within an abandoned shopping mall, the latest from 555 Sounds presents the sound of an eerily peaceful dystopia. Ba...ndcamp New & Notable Oct 4, 2021