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Ancient One

by Husbands

00:00 / 02:53
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Last year we found ourselves writing darker songs than we'd ever explored before. "Ancient One" is one of them - a sort that sonically and lyrically explores the primitive human and the extent we're still influenced by those primal parts of ourselves.


sitting by the Ancient One
she’s smoking cigarettes
waiting for the bus
with a romance novelette
a shirtless gentleman
nestled in her breast
says "I'll love you til i die"

adapting to the New Age
starting to repeat myself
decorate this old cage
starting to repeat myself
youth is just a mindset
that I’ve put on the shelf
but I’ll love you til I die

I could use a weekend
head against the window
stewing on the same things
where did all the time go?
I listened to your bootleg
I'll horde it like Calypso

talking about the New Age
starting to repeat myself
decorate this old cage
starting to repeat myself
I could use some new friends
probably a weekend

banished to the Stone Age
and history repeats itself
decorate this old cave
starting to repeat someone else
did you hear the new song
the very first one
after the hiatus
sorry, now the band sucks

sorry, other band sucks


released October 26, 2021
danny davis - vocals, synths, drum machines
wil norton - vocals, guitars, moog, drum machines
alberto roubert - drums, shaker
samantha crain - vocals

Drums recorded at Lunar Manor Studios, engineered by Brine Webb


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Husbands Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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