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Up Above

from 'Til I Start Speaking by Morly

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  • 12" Vinyl LP
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Morly's, 'Til I Start Speaking, pressed on 12" vinyl. The LP also includes a limited edition booklet with original prints by Morly.

    Includes unlimited streaming of 'Til I Start Speaking via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/96kHz.

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At home 
dinner cooking on the stove 
and Nina singing to my soul 
It’s not quite the same 
all alone 
So I met you when 
I was feeling good 
Yeah I met you when 
I thought I was good 
But something has changed 
I feel so low 
And I’ve been dreaming 
of the bottom of the ocean 
with the waves over my head 
But I can feel 
you pulling me 
back to the sun 
so I can be with you 
up above 
At home 
lying on the bedroom floor 
I’ve been through all of this before 
It’s not quite the same 
you help me float 
While I’ve been dreaming 
of the bottom of the ocean 
with the waves over my head 
But I can feel 
you pulling me 
back to the sun 
so I can be with you 
up above 
So you met me when 
I was feeling good 
Yeah you met me when 
I thought I was good 
and you wait so patiently 
While I’ve been dreaming 
of the bottom of the ocean 
with the waves over my head 
But I can feel 
you pulling me 
back to the sun 
so I can be with you 
up above


from 'Til I Start Speaking, released August 20, 2021


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Morly London, UK

Morly, moniker of Minneapolis-bred, London-based visual artist and singer-songwriter, Katy Morley, creates stirring downtempo tracks that explore the transient space between joy and melancholy. Her strange and beautiful world is informed by her choral background, a penchant for minimalism and a love of dance. ... more

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