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Feel My Dreams (2021 Remaster)

from ODYR004 Feel My Dreams (2021 Remixes & Remaster) by Mirage

00:00 / 07:12


Originally released in 1996 (ODY006), this Apache whirlwind was produced & engineered by Jim Source Direct with Tilla Mirage as co-producer.


from ODYR004 Feel My Dreams (2021 Remixes & Remaster), released July 2, 2021
J. Baker, T. Kemal


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OdyseeRecordings Saint Albans, UK

Odysee Recordings was launched in 1994 by Tilla Kemal (Mirage) as a platform to release cutting edge D&B. Featuring the earliest Source Direct releases as well as an offering from the mighty Photek, the label earned a respected place in D&B history. In 1998 it gained its other Label-Head Andy Odysee, who has spearheaded a recent revival of the label including a series of remixes and new material. ... more

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