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Sicker Than Your Average (feat. Buzzi)

from Seismic by Kilbourne

00:00 / 04:26
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    12" Version of Kilbourne's "Untitled" with Evar label sleeve

    A1 - Gore Tex
    A2 - Tinsel Teeth
    B1 - Kilbourne & The DJ Producer - Seismic Cross
    B2 - Kilbourne & Buzzi - Sicker Than Your Average

    **If you're purchasing vinyl to ship to the US, check our website 4evar.life to view rates for records shipping from Los Angeles**

    Includes unlimited streaming of Seismic via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 7 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      £8.33 GBP or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      £1 GBP  or more



Kilbourne, a Brooklyn-based producer and DJ with a prolific output in the harder, faster and more extreme underbelly of electronic music, is gearing up to share her latest work, an offering that doubles as her debut on Los Angeles-based imprint Evar Records. Out on July 23, SEISMIC explores the idea of "becoming," showcasing the value of speed, identity and transcendental bliss through an experimental lens entirely Kilbourne's own.

The four-track collection features a hard-earned collaboration with the legendary DJ Producer, whose work has been instrumental to both Kilbourne's approach and the hardcore scene at large, and a joint track with Buzzi, a fellow Brooklyn-based producer who shares her dedication to experimenting in the faster, harder techno realm. On SEISMIC, Kilbourne balances the dramatic beauty and brutality of hardcore, bringing gentler melodies into her production style as not an aberration, but rather a necessary aspect of heavy music.


from Seismic, track released July 23, 2021


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Evar Records Los Angeles, California

Owned and operated by Aura T-09 & Trickfinger, Evar Records is an experimental electronic label emphasizing genre defying transitory hybrid musical spaces with music for the brain and body alike.

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