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We're moving out to the west coast, we used to say
However long it takes, we'll hold the line
We'll hold the line
But if it bottoms out we'll throw the whole thing off
Pitch a castle somewhere no one can be bothering us
We've waited so long
We've waited so we'll go wherever you'll feel okay
And I know a place in the sun
I know a place in the palms of our hands
If you wanna bear the waves oh
If you wanna bear the waves?

Or take another route
Throw the whole thing off
Raise a chance from all the past we've been blowing off
Friends of old homes for sake of our families
We'll throw it all to the waves of a notion
If you wanna go away oh
If you wanna go away?

If you wanna go away
If you wanna go away
If you wanna go away
If you go another way (we waited)
I won't hold you back (we waited)
If you go another way (we waited)
I won't hold you back (we waited)
If you wanna go away (we waited)
I won't hold you back (we waited)
If you go another way (we waited)
I won't hold you back


from With You For Ever B-Sides & Live, track released July 20, 2021
Music by William Evans, Nicholas Evans, Zachary Blount
Lyrics by William Evans
Produced by William Evans


all rights reserved



Stray Fossa Munich, Germany

~ π˜Ύπ™‘π™€π™¨π™šπ™§ 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣 π™’π™šβ€™π™‘π™‘ π™€π™«π™šπ™§ 𝙆𝙣𝙀𝙬 out on Born Losers Records

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