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Lycabettus is hill that dominates the skyline of downtown Athens, a steep rocky formation that pops out of the very heart of the city centre. It shares its name with this outtake from Neos Kosmos. Due to its dark mood I finally decided not to include it in the record. Nevertheless, it is an important song for me, as it recreates the facts of a homophobic attack that my then partner and me suffered while going down that hill, a few years ago.That experience affected and transformed way beyond the physical consequences and though I moved on, the scars are still there. I am choosing to share this song and give it the standout status I feel it deserves, as a chronicle of a terrifying past experience, but also as reminder that there is a long way to go and many a fight to fight for LGBTQI+ rights.



Like bullets from a gun, that´s how it was
To dart out of the road, straight into the heart of the woods
Running down the hill, my heart in my mouth
No turning around, their warm breath down my neck
I could only keep speeding and screaming and hoping you’ re close

They´ll never place their filthy claws on us
They´ll never project their misery on us
I won´t put my life in the hands of those brutes
I´d rather jump off a cliff
Than fall under their boots

Now I know how fast the heart beats inside a fox
When dogs are after it, and they are not the hounds of love
Now I know where wilder beasts find strength to jump and kick and flee the lions
Now I know precisely what it means to run for your life

They´ll never place their filthy claws on us
They´ll never project their misery on us
I won´t put my life in the hands of those brutes
I´d rather jump off a cliff
Than fall under their boots

Who would spend a minute of their time preying on sweethearts?
What kind of rotten soul would want to snatch our lives?

They´ll never place their filthy claws on us
They´ll never project their misery on us
I won´t live my life afraid of those fools
I´d rather jump off a cliff
Than play by their rules


from Lycabettus, released June 4, 2021


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Evripidis and his Tragedies Barcelona, Spain

Evripidis and His Tragedies is Evripidis Sabatis. The "Tragedies" are the devastating, confessional, self-sarcastic, darkly humorous songs that draw on his classical piano training, queer sensibility and storytelling skills to examine and own up to the vicissitudes of life. Evripidis' pop inclinations take us for a bumpy, dancey ride across the fine line between tragedy and joie de vivre. ... more


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