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New RATSO tracks

Recorded at Earwig

Mixed and mastered by The Robber Baron - Sebastian Recabarren



I’m a stranger standing here in the darkest corner
I’m the stranger hiding there didn’t someone warn you
I trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I just give them distance
I trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I question my existence

I’m gonna watch and I’m gonna see
Satisfy the dark urge in me
I’m gonna watch and I’m gonna see
Satisfy the dark urge in me

Dark in the shadows, lurk and hide in the darkest corner
Stand in the light but I’m dark inside, didn’t someone warn you
I trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I just give them distance
I trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I question my existence

I’m gonna watch and I’m gonna see
Satisfy the dark urge in me
I’m gonna watch and I’m gonna see
Satisfy the dark urge in me

Lurk in the alleyway, lurk in the park
Lurk in the darkest recesses of your heart
Lurk in the alleyway, lurk in the park
Lurk in the darkest recesses of your heart
Lurk in the alleyway, lurk in the park
Lurk in the darkest recesses of your heart
Lurk in the alleyway, lurk in the park
Lurk in the darkest recesses of your heart


released June 25, 2021
All songs written by RATSO


all rights reserved



RATSO Auckland, New Zealand

Tamaki Makaurau rock-and-roll-ramraiders RATSO are releasing their first long player , and it's a live album recorded in Otautahi at Christchurch Town hall last November by Graham Bennett (who recorded and mixed Dead Moon in 1992 for their recent Live In Invercargill double LP release) ... more

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