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Loved 2 Death

from V+ by VAZUM

00:00 / 07:06
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Gave you my heart
Took your pound of flesh

I leave a trail so you'll follow
I marked it with an X and tears from my pillow
But you forgot to meet me there
I cried and left a lock of hair

Loved to death
Gave you my heart
Took your pound of flesh

Butterfly kisses they taste so sweet
Look at you baby good enough to eat
And when you take your dying breath
Like it or not you've been loved to death

When did you finally see
That you would never be free


from V+, released June 25, 2021


all rights reserved



VAZUM Detroit, Michigan

Formed in Detroit, MI in 2017, VAZUM is an alternative rock band known for their dark, introspective sound and captivating performances. The band draws inspiration from a diverse range of influences, including post-punk, gothic rock and shoegaze. VAZUM has garnered a dedicated following both locally and internationally, establishing themselves as a prominent force in the underground music scene. ... more


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