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Morning Ghost

from Velvet Teeth by Abram Shook

00:00 / 02:46


I lost a mind to a limit unknown
Nothing is easy, living with your ghost
I lost a mind to a limit unknown
The world is blind
And I'm alone

I lost a month and the livin' was coal
There was a darkness like nothing I had known
I don't belong in the world as a ghost
If love is blind let it take me home

I won't ever understand
Take it easy dying to pretend
I won't ever understand
Take it easy dying to pretend
'Cause I don't belong to the world anymore


from Velvet Teeth, track released May 15, 2021
Jack VanNorman - keys/synth
Chris Hausler - drums
Abram Shook - vocals, guitar, bass, beats


all rights reserved



Abram Shook Austin, Texas

Shook's solo debut, Sun Marquee breathes with the lungs of a man that finally found a place to call home, while also reflecting upon the circuitous path that led him there. Propelled by Shook's impeccable bass groove, and inspired by artists like Shuggie Otis, Serge Gainsbourge, and Chico Buarque, Sun Marquee distills lessons learned and questions unanswered into an accessible collection of pop. ... more

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