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War & Peace

by Confucius MC

00:00 / 02:28
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Confucius MC 'War & Peace'
(W.Carabine-Glean, C.Cocheteau)
Produced by Keor Meteor
Mixed by Chemo
Mastered by Walter Coelho
Photography by Honey JD
Design by Bee Graphics

‘War & Peace’: a dual concept that has been intrinsically woven into the human psyche since time began. Part universal constant, part universal desire.

As we rumble ever closer to the release of Confucius MC’s forthcoming album ‘Somewhere’, the London wordsmith continues to build the anticipation with the unveiling of the second single from the project.

In contrast to ‘Lanterns’, which served as the lead single, ‘War & Peace’ is a solo affair that gives us an undiluted burst of Con’s full force on the mic. Scratch below the surface of his laid-back flow to reveal the stream-of-consciousness style lyricism and intricately structured bars, that have become his rap calling cards.

Lyrically the track is a fine blend of reflective insights - “Simple lives in a tangled web / We tend to simplify and take gambles less” - and good old-fashioned battle cries - “You ain’t a rapper you just chat a lot / I been through your catalogue / You like to take pictures in your hat a lot”, successfully perpetuating the duality of the title.

Once again, it’s Con’s regular creative sparring partner, Keor Meteor, on production duties. Woozy horns make up the driving force of the beat, which achieves a cautiously triumphant feel, giving the perception of victory on the battle-field. Punchy but refined; energised but focused - the perfect companion for Confucius MC’s philosophical flow.

Cited by Kae Tempest as "a huge influence on my life, my character and my rhyme-style", Confucius MC has been carving his own echelon in the...  more


War and peace
Maybe somewhere in between
Rarely seen
Living somewhere in a dream
Of a real place
Live from the land of magicians
That know how to distract a man with precision
Long may I extract my plan through the rhythm
The wise stood beside the man who was driven
Like march on until the last song is written
Any wrong he did before he pass on
Please forgive him
Simple lives in a tangled web
We tend to simplify and take gambles less
Every day’s a close shave but the angles stretch
Placing pennies in the pots that the banks collect

We sign over shit willingly
Chillingly selling ourselves
Working our bodies ‘til were empty
For a measure of wealth
I pour a double Vanny
Ginger ale
Raise a toast
It's the sage
Who protected the scroll
Like the ninja’s tale
You ain't a rapper
You just chat a lot
I been through your catalogue
You like to take pictures in your hat a lot
My clique is analogue
Playing the outboard synth
Stepped up inside the lab
And ain’t been outdoors since
Making it vivid for the uninitiated
With a visit
He grips it
Throw the Stardawg in the Rizla
Then he twists it
Happy clients
Some kind of happy science
Listen for the voice of reason
But that's been silenced
Loud mouths taking up precious airwaves
I used to pull my book of rhymes out and bless the staircase
Pierce a hole in my Vimto
Alone in the ink yo
Downloading my info
A lot of guys can't quite grasp it
Recite vastness
To beats known as the arsonist
Just a bunch of missing parts that fit
Aiming at a target split two ways
It's hard to hit
New shades enhancing shit
Caught in the moon rays
It's the enchanted grip
Rappers slinging out slanted spit
I want no parts in it


released April 23, 2021


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