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Push Me Away (feat. Magdalena Bay)

by Jordana

00:00 / 02:44
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Right back to where we are
From drifting far apart
You gave my half your heart
It's time now to restart

Why would you do that to me
You're lacking serious empathy
Why would you push me away
All i wanted was for you to stay

Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
You kick me down
You turn me all around
I tumble and crash I'm warming up for round

Two my number one
You were a loaded gun
Shooting through my head but

When you wanna push I pull
When I'm empty then you're full
Did you mean to be so cruel?
We're going further apart
It's time now to restart
Why would you do that to me
You're lacking serious empathy
Why would you push me away
All i wanted was for you to stay
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away
Why would you push me away


released April 21, 2021
Produced by MELVV & Jai Wolf


all rights reserved



Jordana Los Angeles, California

musical artist I think


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