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想像 (feat. ONJUICY)

from Root Layers by Primula

00:00 / 02:39
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想像 is a dizzying daydream featuring ONJUICY, who spits a vision of ambition from behind the Lawson konbini checkout counter, laid on top of Primula’s eskibeat patchwork.

Adolescent electronics, nostalgia pulses. Root Layers sees Primula weave a kaleidoscopic thread between the purity of youth and the roots of reality.

Tokyo-based Primula inhabits the liminal space between ambient, grime and dubstep - soaking it all in psychedelic nostalgia. In Root Layers, he draws from a boyhood joy that threads a memory from lurid grime synths to video games soundtracks, UK bass music to panoramic ambient.


from Root Layers, released April 23, 2021
Mastered, written and produced by Primula
Featuring and co-written by ONJUICY
Artwork Photography by Masaki Watanabe
Artwork Embroidery by Nicole Chui
Creative Direction by Anthony Ko


all rights reserved



Primula Yokohama, Japan

Primula weaves a kaleidoscopic thread between the purity of youth and the roots of reality. Inhabiting the liminal space between ambient, grime and dubstep, he soaks it all in psychedelic nostalgia.
"Still seeking the balance of adolescence and electronic beat"...
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