I find myself going back to this album over and over again. Sonically and compositionally rich, it waxes from layers of dissonant and rumbling sound then wanes to a quiet glow with acoustic and woodwind interludes along the way. As Mr. Watts goes on to say, its importance lies rather in the simple sensation of wholeness, in the part of the sentence which runs, “everything in this universe is.” No matter what. eric F
Bright gray sheets of roaring and shimmering guitar held aloft by a delicate web of percussion. Post-rock, shoegaze, psych- rock and hints of bluesy folk, all audible and enmeshed. IlsaJ
Swedish heavy-psych outfit kickstart their second decade with an onslaught of stoned sci-fi rippers and drone-metal outbursts. Bandcamp... New & Notable May 23, 2024
Shadowy electronic music designed to reflect the darkness of the age in songs that are alternately frenetic and haunting. Bandcamp New &... Notable Mar 26, 2025
So...Grateful Dead, Gong and Can , set up shop and start jamming. Hawkwind shows up amd says, "Oh, this is lovely, let's really mess with minds." Wonderful jams. Pour Dampness definitely hints to the Dead...Shrinks has Gong and Can written all over the liner notes until the 10 minute mark...then Hawkwind blows through the rest.Great psych jams! dgcirkus