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The Riverband

from Middle Sea by Reece Sullivan

00:00 / 04:37


Written 2004, Chickadee Street, Little Rock, Arkansas


I know an old, old man
He's got a riverband
They'll play it all night long
Their notes are never wrong

They sing of joys untold
And how the river flows
I know an old, old man
He's got a riverband

They've grown old, it's true
But close as friends will do
With all that they've been through
Their music still rings true

Ol' Sam plays violin
But he can play that banjo, too
With all that they've been through
Their music still rings true

Row down that river, man
To hear that riverband
Everyone's on their way
They wanna hear them play

We've got our girls with us
In case we drink too much
They'll steer the boats back home
But they'll only stay so long

We laugh and carry on
They steer the boats back home
We've got our girls with us
In case we drink too much


from Middle Sea, released April 2, 2021
Recorded Summer 2018 at Justin Broussard's Studio
Mixed by Justin Broussard
Mastered by Justin Weis

Bass: Justin Broussard
Drums: Matt Cobb
Electric: Jim McGee
Trombone: Ben Harrington


all rights reserved



Reece Sullivan Lafayette, Louisiana

Originally from Arkansas, and now in Lafayette, LA, I play the surrounding areas regularly. Over the course of the years, I've reinvented myself musically many times: piano to guitar, classical to art rock, art rock to folk, flat picking to finger-picking, solely songwriting to performing. My latest incarnation has me playing out often, sometimes touring, and writing and recording consistently. ... more


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