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Bear With Me (and I'll stand bare before you)

by Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul

00:00 / 04:28
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Taken from 'Foundations' (DEEWEE050), the first DEEWEE compilation album coming out on May 7th. Pre-order the 3LP, 2CD or digital formats:​

“Bear With Me…” is about both isolation and connection. A beautiful statement of life in this strangest of eras, its fractured disco production and soul-baring lyrics, conceived and created by the Caribbean-Belgian artist with partner Bolis Pupul in lockdown, speak of the intimacy and vulnerability of confinement. “Bolis and I are storytellers, writing observational tales about the strange world we all inhabit.” says Adigéry, “Bolis and I are making a time capsule, writing songs that tell the story of life in 2020. We believe 2020 has been such a cornerstone for the 21st century. This song is about being confined thus confronted to the way we live. The cruel irony of having theprivilege of standing still, questioning and observing my life in all safety while others are fighting for theirs. ‘They say there’s dolphins in Venice’ is a symbol for the times we live in. An internet hoax that gave people hope. A naïve hope for a utopian future, now that we’re all locked in our homes. A sign that we are all aware of the negative impact we have on the planet but still seem to remain paralyzed. On the other hand the song is about not being able to run away from yourself and being confronted with your relationship to yourself and others. Not hovering from one busy schedule to another, never looking back."


released March 17, 2021
Recorded, produced and mixed at DEEWEE
Photograph by Jorre Janssens
Art Direction: Ill-Studio


all rights reserved



Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul Ghent, Belgium

Cultural appropriation and racism. Social media vanity. Post-colonialism and political correctness. These are not talking points that you’d ordinarily hear on the dancefloor but Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul are ripping up the rulebook with their music. ... more

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