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Purple And Green

by Benedikt

00:00 / 03:53
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Purple and Green is a song that is very special to us, and that has been with us for many years without being properly recorded. It's about being heavily in love and not knowing how to act on it, inspired by studying at a strict christian boarding school where physical intimacy was still a taboo. We also feel like this song captures the essence of our second album, with its dreamy, playful arrangement and an unconventional mix of musical elements.


Purple and green
The purpose of green in blue

When days were allowed
To creep in and out of hue

She stared into my eyes
Made me pay the price and run

Steady as a rock
She’ll surely outlive the sun

Traces of your eyes, you left me traces of the sky I never knew
And in the place we used to hide, you left me traces of a pride I never knew

Purple and green
You’ve stolen my weeks before

Children on their knees
Begging us to fight their war until dawn

Bodys are bruised
Your future is used and foreseen

And oceans away
You pray away your gay to be clean

Traces of your eyes, you left me traces of the sky I never knew
And in the place we used to hide, you left me traces of a pride I never knew

Traces of your eyes, you left me traces of the sky I never knew
And in the place we used to hide, you left me traces of a pride I never knew


released March 12, 2021


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Benedikt Oslo, Norway

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