Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I don’t think I’ve had my aspirations through the post yet
Or forgot them years ago..
“Could you ask me another time?
I’m still not sure yet” – 25, 2016
Is the quote I'll repeat until I die
I used to be such a promising boy,
If I'd applied myself I'd probably be an astronaut
At least I never act my age so people don't expect much from me, if at all.
The blame is heavy if it's mine
So I say this is all I need.
If happiness is a portable 16 track home studio
Then I guess I’m happy most the time
I just need something for when I'm outside
And in the events where I close my eyes
Self aware but paralysed
How do people find the time?
They find success,
They enjoy their lives
I used to be such a promising boy
If I'd applied myself I'd probably be a hypocrite
I used to be so much less of a prick,
I used to have dreams that were realistic,
Now I don't know what I need
But I've always wanted to be a postman,
I told them that at the interview
But I think my genuine ardor
Must have been misconstrued
As sarcasm when in reality id never meant something so much
And I still check the Royal Mail website
With eyes adorned in a glaze of lust
But it's just a dream, it couldn't be, I'm just an average
Joe, just admit you could be a wicked postman
released August 7, 2020
written recorded & mixed by Joe Sherrin
mastered by Shawn Joseph at Optimum Mastering Bristol.
Artwork by Josh Jarman, original photo taken by my Grandma around 93
James Luxton played drums
I played the other things
and ALL of these people sung:
Fenne Lily
Kane Eagle
Oliver Wilde
Jonny Allan
Ash Kenazi
Dominic Angelella
Jamie Cruickshank
Sophie Galpin
Thomas Dalmut-Rudd
Ali Thibodeau
Audrey Zee Whitesides
Sam Bedford
Ricardo Lagomasino
Megan Donnelly
Harriet Edler
Josh Jarman
Sean Toohey
Andy Came
Rhiann Berarey
Emily Tierney
Charlie Horne
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