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from The Sibyl by Porcupine

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Trying to understand
What happened back then
What was I supposed to do?
You ask me, “was I abused?”
“No,” I say, “Not at all.”
Boldface lie, the bruises dissolve
Disgusting hands against my skin
That six year old boy exposed to Sin

Don’t know where to go
Don’t know what to do
My whole life
What the fuck is true?

I want this out of my head
I want the memory fucking dead
I want this out of my head
I need this memory dead

But every time I close my eyes, I see his eyes staring me down. I see his lips quivering. I see his hands reaching.

I thirst for it
Hold me down
Bind my hands and feet
This is how I find meaning

Hit me. Hit me motherfucker. Fucking touch me. Don't fucking touch me.


from The Sibyl, released February 26, 2021


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Joey H

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