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Stunna (feat. Sir JoQ)

from Prove It EP by Jasmine Infiniti

00:00 / 05:29
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Jasmine Infiniti is a Bronx born and raised DJ and Producer. Her moniker ‘The Queen of Hell’ is a glimpse into her unique industrial techno sound, while championing R&B, vogue, and hip-hop influences. Before her time in Oakland, where her techno-hybrid blend catapulted her to iconic status in queer underground lightlife circles, she was an integral part of the New York vogue house, House of Infiniti.

While in California, Jasmine’s queer collective New World Dysorder began to reek apocalyptic terror on dancefloors worldwide, and she released her breakout EP SiS with Club Chai. After relocating back to NY, in 2020 the mother of NWD self-released her critically celebrated LP Bitch Slap. Then only six months later, released a compilation of her collective and launched a new record label, making her one of the first black trans women to do so. The out-of-body experience that occurs in her Djs sets, coupled with her dizzying and teleportive releases as a producer, make Jasmine an authentic cult favorite.

The ‘Prove It EP’ release on Molly House Records is the continuation of a transformative year for Jasmine featuring two new cuts and remixes from her favorite producers. ‘Stunna’ dives into her love and herstory for the ballroom vogue scene. She calls on Bay Area vogue royalty and vocalist ‘Sir JoQ’ for chants, while still bringing her ravy brand of techo & club sounds. The title track “Prove It’ is a refined yet still authentic version of her sound, equipped with eerily pitched vocals, layers of synths and loops, with warm but apocalyptic vibes throughout. Remixers Buzzi (NYC), Violet (Portugal), and Bapari (LA) round out the release with hard techno, deconstructed club, and broken beat versions of the tracks.


from Prove It EP, track released November 18, 2020


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Jasmine Infiniti Oakland, California

DJ/ Producer

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