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Common Sense

from Common Sense by Melby

00:00 / 03:09
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Stockholm four-piece Melby have constantly been growing since their debut with catchy single 'Human' in 2016. Last year, the band took their biggest step yet with the acclaimed debut record 'None of this makes me worry' which was followed by tour dates all over Europe. The band returned earlier this year with fittingly named single 'Things I Do When I'm Alone' and are now following up with new single ‘Common Sense’.

The band often gets compared to fellow Swedes Dungen and Amason but Melby’s dynamic sound, with influences from folk, psych, indie and pop, stand out. The quartet's light, semi-psychedelic folk pop is led by Matilda Wiezell’s enchanting voice which fits perfectly with Melby’s unique musical landscape - a sound that's been called "otherworldly, and wholly brilliant" by The Line of Best Fit. The band consists of Wiezell, Are Engen Steinsholm (back-up vocals, guitar), David Jehrlander (bass) and Teo Jernkvist (drums) and formed while living together in a Stockholm shared housing.

Common Sense is a development of the sound of Melby's debut, building a dreamy atmosphere and drawing on the more melancholy folk inspired sides that were showcased on None of this makes me worry, without losing the playfulness and sense of melody that always have been a big part of the band's sound.

Melby on the track:

“During lockdown we started making music in a new way, recording demos at home and sending them back and forth to each other. Common sense was created like this, and we wanted to keep the strange and messy vibe of the original home recording. We are kind of modest people, so our version of weird and messy might not be the most weird and messy you’ve ever heard, but still. I think it’s got a bit of an edge to it?”

Things I Do When I'm Alone is out on Rama Lama Records (ROW) and Sinnbus (GSA) on December 8th. The track was recorded with and produced by Alexander Eldefors.


from Common Sense, released December 8, 2020


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Melby Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm-based quartet.

Debut LP 'None of this makes me worry' released in 2019 via Rama Lama Records and Sinnbus (DE/AT/CH).


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