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to the moon

by Redbud

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what if she went away?
to the moon
to be the moon of someone else
anybody else

i suppose she was never mine
but ours, all intertwined

one day she seemed smaller
and after, she stood a little less taller

until she was gone
and nothing but a distant light
you mistake for an airplane

and you still wonder
if out there she's closer to someone else?


so you remember
all of her splendor
and her gestures so tender
and you know you can't bend her


released June 28, 2020
Katie Claghorn - guitar, vocals, lyrics
Ryan Black - bass and keys
Sam Graf - drums and piano

lyrics adapted from a poem written by Deborah Taylor

produced and mixed by Katie Claghorn and F@E_Wigwurx

album cover art - Deborah Taylor and Chris Claghorn

thank you John Wilhelm for your creative input


all rights reserved



Redbud Austin, Texas


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