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from Last Looks by Bathe Alone

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Limbo is the final single off of Bathe Alone's debut LP "Last Looks". After acquiring a hand-me-down Roland JX3P from her husband's father, she made an entire synth pop song based around the sounds of the 80's analog synth. Still staying true to her signature delay and reverb drenched guitar tone, Limbo inspires new colors and psychedelic vibes to play with and encapsulates yet another world to immerse yourself in. Lyrically, Limbo indirectly skirts around the topic of religion in a make-believe world where a girl has committed suicide from jumping out a window and has landed in Limbo. In a dream-like state, this girl is walking around without a destination, but acknowledges the pulling feelings one has to leave said situation once becoming self aware.


Crawl out of the window
You don't know where you're walking
You just go where the wind blows
And start your "people watching"

And that's all you need to know
You faced your fear of falling
And who cares in this limbo
Still hurts to be forgotten

Days have gone, it starts to show
That you don't really know
What to do or where to go
Where to go in limbo

Look both ways when you go
Remember where you came from
Cause we don't know what's below
Or above, we try to name them

And I saw you face the dark
And look back cause you're afraid of
What's not to be beloved
Well I'm with you, I'm not made up

How are you supposed to know
Where to go in limbo

Days have gone, it starts to show
That you don't really know
What to do or where to go
Where to go in limbo


from Last Looks, track released November 13, 2020
Bailey Crone - Songwriter, vocals, guitar, drums, bass, synth
Damon Moon - Synth
Produced and Mixed by Damon Moon at Standard Electric Recorders Co.
Mastered by Joe Lambert


all rights reserved



Bathe Alone Atlanta, Georgia

Bathe Alone is the dreampop solo project of multi-instrumentalist Bailey Crone based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Bailey plays everything from drums, guitar, bass to vocals on the project and aims to create songs you can "lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling to." ... more

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