Jesper and his neighbour Jasmina first met when they were forced out of their houses due to a gas leak. Jasmina brought her accordion. Some time later, Jaap joined, and the Milojkovic Trio was born. Lewsberg
A 19-track album filled with music, poetry and field recordings. Plus a 36p. zine. Created on the island of Vlieland in December 2021 by a group of of eight musicians and writers. Lewsberg
Goldblum is the self-titled debut by Marijn Verbiesen (Red Brut) and Michiel Klein (Lewsberg, Geo). The duo creates lo-fi songs working with flea market cassettes, tape-loops, keyboards and vocals. Lewsberg
The great underlying instrumentation paired with Florence's droll stream of consciousness lyrics make this album stand out. It feels so personal and confessional. Favorite tracks are Strong Feelings and Leafy. I've heard Scratchard Lanyard on alt radio and love that one as well. tofupotpie
Rarities compilation from an all-too-often overlooked German post-punk band with pop leanings, reminiscent of !!! and MGMT. Bandcamp New &... Notable Mar 20, 2025